Welcome to ASPIN’s Community Health Worker Certification Training Program!
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ASPIN is an approved training provider certified by Indiana Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning per bulletin BT201826.
ASPIN’s CCHW training qualifies the individual to bill for CHW services, for IHCP programs subject to the limitations established for certain benefit packages, for dates of service on or after July 1, 2018, as outlined in the IHCP Bulletin BT 201826, dated May 31, 2018 and Bulletin BT2024198 dated December 10, 2024
“Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board has approved this organization to provide Category I Continuing Education for L.S.W., L.C.S.W., L.M.F.T., and L.M.H.C. However, licensees must judge the program’s relevance to their professional practice”
ASPIN is an approved Distance Learning Organization by NADDAC, The Association for Addiction Professionals #168603
What is a Certified Community Health Worker (CCHW)?
The CCHW is a front line public health worker who is a trusted member of and/or has an unusually close understanding of the community served. This trusting relationship enables the CCHW to serve as a liaison/link/intermediary between health/social services and the community to facilitate access to services and improve the quality and cultural competence or service delivery. (American Public Health Association)
Check out these videos to learn more!
Eligibility Criteria:
Must be at least 18 years old.
Must have at least a high school diploma or GED.
Must have a personal email address (a computer and internet access is required).
CHW Concentration:
Upon completion of the 47+ hour online training, and passing a final examination, each participant will be certified as a Community Health Worker (CCHW) eligible for employment in organizations serving families, the elderly, children and youth including outpatient medical / behavioral providers, hospitals, medical clinics, schools, churches and community centers.
Community Health Worker (CHW) Topics:
Section One | Section Two | Section Three |
1. Introduction to the Online Community Health Worker Course |
7. Communication Skills for CHWs |
13. An Overview of Motivational Interviewing |
2. Core Community Health Worker Skills |
8. Practices That Promote Health and Wellness |
14. Coaching Consumers for Positive Health Outcomes |
3. Ethics and the CHW |
9. Physical Health/Chronic Disease Overview |
15. Tobacco |Treatment |
4. Diversity and Cultural Competency in the Workplace |
10. Behavioral Health Overview |
16. CHWs and Group Facilitation Skills |
5. Conflict Management for CHWs |
11. Substance Use Disorders |
17. Advocacy, Collaboration and Teamwork |
6. Technology and the CHW |
12. Integrated Care Model |
18. Emergency Preparedness, Epidemics, and Crisis Response for CHWs 19. Securing Employment as a CHW |
ASPIN’s Private Tuition CHW Training Application – Apply Here
ASPIN’s training scholarship application is currently closed. Sign up for our E-Mail List to receive information regarding ASPIN and ASPIN training Here
CHW Certification Clarification
There seems to be some confusion as to which governmental body is responsible for the certification for reimbursement for Community Health Workers. To be clear, the FSSA Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (OMPP) is the governmental body responsible for ultimately certifying Community Health Workers. This is stated in IHCP Bulletin BT201826. ASPIN’s program was originally developed with the Department of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA) other programs were developed the through the Indiana Department of Health (IDH). BOTH programs are equal as far as certification for reimbursement.
Helping Employers Train Hoosiers for Next Level Jobs
More than one million jobs must be filled in Indiana over the next 10 years. To help Hoosier employers fill these jobs, Indiana has created the Employer Training Grant. The Employer Training Grant reimburses employers who train, hire, and retain new or incumbent workers to fill in-demand positions within recognized job fields. The grant will reimburse employers up to $5,000 per employee who is trained, hired, and retained for six months, up to $50,000 per employer.
Reimbursable training cost of up to $5,000 for newly trained employees that are trained, hired, and retained for 6 months; current employees must see a wage gain from the start of training to the completion of training. There is no current wage requirement for training new hires.
What are Employer Training Provider Options?
- Pre-Approved Providers
- Accredited, post secondary institutions
- Training providers on DWD’s eligible training provider list.
For these other training options, the employer or training provider must submit training information to DWD, including the curriculum for the training, and will verify that the training:
ASPIN Community Health Worker Certification Program
Indianapolis, Indiana (Marion County)
Marion County
4 week(s)
Provider Status: Staff Approved 100% Online: $1,250.00
The tuition for the online training is $1,250.00 per student.
ASPIN has been certified as an Eligible Training Provider AND the ASPIN Certified Community Health Worker program has been approved by the Indiana Dept. of Workforce Development:
https://www.indianacareerconnect.com Program Number 10319
This training is also certified through the US Department of Labor Apprenticeship Program.
ASPIN is a Charter Member Organization of:
ASPIN is certified to provide the continuing education credits through the following professional organizations:
- Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board- Category I
- The Association for Addiction Professionals- NAADAC
- Indiana Counselors Association on Alcohol and Drug Abuse – ICAADA
- Indiana State Psychology Board
Administrative Address:
550 Congressional Blvd., Suite 120
Carmel, IN 46032
For all questions regarding the CRS ( Peer) Program contact: